A great weekend to save money
August 21st, 2014 at 01:48 amAt least it was for me this past weekend. The SG-GF visited for the first time in a while and it seemed like we were off to the races doing things which were fun, yet saved us lots of money.
===== Some random this and thats from the weekend follow =======
Of course we had to start with the yard sale loop on Saturday. Not too many buys, maybe $10 spent between the two of us. Next she went to Aldi's to save on her groceries (nothing like that where she lives).
Ok, then what? Oh lets see, I got this month's gas bill in the mail. It was all of $7. I think I can handle that (almost no usage, and a state mandated refund of a few dollars accounted for this).
Later we went to CVS so I could use some "ExtraBucks" I got from a CVS online survey before they expired. I combined it with coupons I was able to find here and there, and was able to walk out mouthwash to last me 6 months, a 2 liter soda, and $10 in extrabucks. Only cost me an extra $4 from my CVS gift card I got for free from my credit card sign ups. And I see I can go and spend another $5 and get $5 extrabucks. So more for free - I can handle that.
Then the big money saver, the SG-GF asked that I help her color her hair. Ooooh, a challenge. And if I screw up, well... it could be fixed I suppose . Anyway, it was fun, worked great and she was very very happy with it. Of course now it looks like I will be doing this in the future - ruh roh! Not sure how much that saves, but she said it was lots-lots.
Another big item was my washer stopped working - ugh. So back online I went and tonight I took that monster apart and fixed it - cost was $0 and an hour of my time. $#@!#!!! cheapo Sears brand washer. Oh well, at least it happened to lots of others, and youtube showed how to fix it.
For our trip to Florida, we each got another $50 gas card last week - I think we already have enough! But I'm not complaining - more is better (at least I hear that on TV the few times I turn it on). And I got a new credit card. A small signup bonus but a large bonus once you use it at their branded motels. Well it so happens we're going to one for Labor Day weekend! Great, we'll use it there, and then use the points to stay at motels on the trip down and back up in November. Hey, another win-win.
Oh, and she helped me fix some toy train cars when she arrived (I need three hands to do this!). And some items sold on ebay and half - one was a small toy train engine I got in a box of lots of trains for $20 - this one I didn't want sold for $25 - yep, I like my hobbies for free.
Whew, what a great weekend. We had other adventures that she said she really enjoyed as well.