Home > Goals 2011

Goals 2011

January 2nd, 2011 at 03:40 pm

Hmmm, a new year - and maybe a new set of goals based on my prior year's goals? I'm going to list mine for this year, then a review of what I wrote last year and how I did.

First for the upcoming year (2011):


•Fund Roth IRA fully. No date this year as I will be having some competing expenses I didn't have this past year. It may take all year to complete this.
•Continue max contributions to 457 plan (a 401k plan for gov't types) so that I max out contributions by end of September. I'm keeping this from last year.
•Be happy with spending once in a while (yeah, not frugal, but I need to have a life - so to speak). This is another good one I want to keep.
•Sell more books and other junk to help free up space at home (and make money!). I did well this year and I should be able to keep it up.

•Finish cleaning the house - Part way there, I should be able to finish this year (Yeah, I'm slow, but I'll do it - honest!)
•Try the online dating again - I can't quit, can I?
•Continue to volunteer and donate blood. At work there is supposed to be some new program for volunteering - I will need to see what thats all about.
•Start / finish repairs & tasks about the house. - I already started one project today - if only I can keep it up.
•Continue my exercise routine at home. - hopefully the nagging ailments will subside.
•See if I can finish paying my mortgage by year end. This will be tough. I have CDs maturing Jan 2012, so if nothing else I will be able to finish the mortgage by then.
•Get a new (to me) car. - This is going to hurt my finances, but it can't be helped.

Long Term (Post 2011):
•Get my retirement savings to $250K by my 50th birthday (late 2012). My (401k, 457, Roth IRAs) are at $197,000 now so if I can put in $16,500 in the 457 and $5,000 in the Roth each year, this could happen.

And now lets see how the goals worked out last year (2010) This should be interesting...


•Fund Roth IRA fully by June 30 - I met this goal - finished by mid May
•Continue max contributions to 457 plan (a 401k plan for gov't types) so that I max out contributions by end of September. - Another one that worked out, I maxed out in mid September.
•Be happy with spending once in a while - hmmm... hard to say - I did get some great items at yard sales, and I didn't stress over the prices (much). So I'll give this one an ok.
•Sell more books and other junk to help free up space at home (and make money!). If I can get this year to at least be a wash it would be tremendous. - I don't have exact numbers, but I believe my ebay/ sales paid for all my ebay/yard sales purchases this year. If not it was close. And I have cleared out some room. So I count this as a success.

•Finish cleaning the house - I did ok, but still have a ways to go.
•Try the online dating again, of course trying to keep more of a zen philosophy while doing it. - Ugh. At least I tried for the Zen. The rest - total failure.
•Continue to volunteer and donate blood. - Kept up the blood donations anyway.
•Start / finish repairs & tasks about the house. - Did some - so-so results.
•Re-start my exercise routine at home. - I did workouts at home, usually one or two nights a week - still not as good as I would like - but I see the changes - my body looks close to my high school years now.
•Look into applying for the team lead position opening at work at the end of the year. - That didn't fly - oh well I tried.

Long Term (Post 2010):
•Get my retirement savings to $250K by my 50th birthday. It was around ~$150,000 at the beginning of the year (401k, 457, and a Roth IRA). - I ended the year with my accounts totalling $197,000 - A very solid increase from last year. Barring a market downturn again, this looks like it may happen.
•Determine within 3 years if I want to finish my working career at my current job, and if so find a house to live in closer to work. - no change
•Finish paying off of current mortgage by 50th birthday. - I've upped the payment amount, now I hope to finish January 2012, possibly earlier.
•After the mortgage is paid, buy a new (new to me) car. My current one is getting long in the tooth, hopefully it can last to 2012. - The car had a bad year, its still running but I don't know how long, but I already have a replacement car in the wings that should be available by this spring. Hopefully it no major repairs will happen between now and then.

Whew. Sorry, that was a lot of stuff to read. I know its a lot, but if I can do that, I'll be pretty well set. But isn't that was being frugal is all about? Having a life you can enjoy without worries?

1 Responses to “Goals 2011”

  1. Ima saver Says:

    I agree. It is nice to have a life you can enjoy without worries!

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