Home > Ham Wars Episode 2: The Ham Strikes Back

Ham Wars Episode 2: The Ham Strikes Back

May 2nd, 2012 at 10:30 pm

Previously in Ham Wars, (which can be read about

Text is here and Link is
here - near the bottom) I was able to pick up a great spiral ham for $5, as well as another picked up by my girlfriend. That ham was great for me, feeding my lunches (and some breakfasts and dinners) for at least 2 months. That was a great hit.

In episode 2 today I was at Aldi's picking up some items for a visit by the girlfriend this weekend, and there were the same hams again. I had seen them discounted for the last 2 weeks. Well now they were getting close to the day they needed to sell them, so I guess (maybe today?) they lowered the price to $5. So I decided to pick up one again and enjoy ham for another 2 months. Then things got wild. After waiting in a 15 minute line I got to watch the checker check me out. The ham she had to manually price into the register. I saw her put in a value that wasn't $5 (lots more). As I pointed it out, she said something about $5. I assumed she was saying the full price was put in, and she was putting in a negative of the price (less the $5), so I didn't question it.

After bagging the items I check the receipt, and sure enough I was charged way too much for the ham (she took $5 off instead). Not to take this sitting down, I put the food in the car, and returned to the store to verify the price (I was right), so I went to another checker (who happened to be the manager). At first he tried to tell me the ham was selling for $5/lb (what???) and after I pointed out that was crazy, he said would check it (once he emptied out the line). After waiting a few more minutes he saw I was right.

After all of this I was expecting my overpayment back. Not quite. Instead he gave me the full price I paid back and said "enjoy your ham". OK, the price for the ham now dropped to $0. Oh yeah - "Triple word score" for me Big Grin . (BTW, is it an Aldi's policy to give you the item when incorrect prices are charged?) More free food - I can dig it.

4 Responses to “Ham Wars Episode 2: The Ham Strikes Back”

  1. pretty cheap jewelry Says:

    SWEET but is that ham 2weeks old?? Slice and freeze in small portions to preserve it's remaining time before it spoils.

  2. creditcardfree Says:

    Free is good!

  3. StressLess Says:

    Darn, I was just at Aldi, too. I don't usually buy their meats, so I didn't notice these at all. Will definitely look for a ham if I can get there tomorrow. Congratulations!

  4. Jerry Says:

    I was thinking the same thing as jewelry... freeze it soon, and enjoy it a bit at a time, so it doesn't lead to any problems. Still, that is a GREAT deal, and if Aldi offers some insurance of consistent, decent customer service like that, I will be there as soon as there's one in my area!

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