Home > Halfway point for 2014 - how am I doing so far?

Halfway point for 2014 - how am I doing so far?

July 7th, 2014 at 09:51 pm

Just a financial update here for the half year mark....

After backing out contributions so far this year, my retirement accounts have gone up ~$34,600. If you add in my contributions, they would be up ~$57,500. Add in increases in savings accounts and brokerage, and I will be near ~$62k. Even with this sorta flat year in the market, this is great considering I have taken home only around $14,000. With all this talk about a bubble occurring, it makes me wonder if this increase is just funny money, or the real deal. Hopefully I will be able to keep it long term. We'll just have to wait and see.

Keep on investing...

2 Responses to “Halfway point for 2014 - how am I doing so far?”

  1. Looking Forward Says:


  2. Single Guy Says:

    Yep, it should read 2014. Thanks.

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